The Weed Blog by StonerDays
Wake and Baking in Marijuana Clothing StonerDays Presents
Wake and Baking in Marijuana Clothing StonerDays Presents
As the sun hits my eyes and they flicker with the gentle pain of a pure lights kisses i realize... I'm waking up, no longer in the dream realm but alive and awake. Eyes open alert and searching, limbs stretching, cracking, all the while taking in breaths of contentment because i know... It's going to be a beautiful 24 hours and the four grams sparkling on my dresser have already begin singing their sweet siren song. Its time to wake and bake.

First things first, even though I'm eager to return to that castle above the clouds b girl has been barking for her breakfast the whole fifteen minutes it took me to brush, wash, and tame my side show bob hairstyle that greets me in the mirror every morning. While the intense crunching sound coming from her bowl bounces off the kitchen walls I start the coffee.... And like clockwork my hands naturally gravitate towards the rolling tray and blunts, the grinder and the flame. Im on a mission to wake and bake and best believe there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Wake and Baking in New StonerDays Marijuana Clothing
Fully stoned and fueled for all the activities that the day brings I get started on the most important things first... The playlist while cleaning the crib has to match the epic stone that just occurred. Gliding from room to room of my castle effortlessly being Marry Poppins and more productive then previous day's when Mary Jane wasn't around to comfort me.

Now as evening becomes more present, and dusk begins to show his alluring colors, I'm still high... Riding a natural wave of confidence and productivity because I know I've accomplished things...stoner things and life is beautiful.