This Stoney Summer Solstice is going to be one filled with more magical moments than you might have thought. Stonerdays.com is scoring the first home run of the sizzling season with a lively 30% off Summer Apparel Sale!
Threads this scorching hot will have you hosting the first BBQ of the year without even knowing it. Trees, T's, brats, baked beans and of course even more baked brains.
Our stoney summer cannabis clothing seems to set the mood to any good Stoner OOTD and we've got plenty to choose from. Good vibes put you in the mind of half baked bliss on a whole higher level. Combine that with smooth Flamingo T shirt tings and you've got island parties fit for the Gods.
One thing that has managed to stay constant in this ever changing cosmos is a pot-heads undying love for floral bucket hats. Printed boldly in soft shades of nature, your hairline is shaded in a beautiful arrangement of art.
Of course we didn't forget about Pops! Pineapple trucker stop style snap-backs for Father's Day add flare to every genre of Daddy and Paw Paw alike. Bikini bottom in your backyard has never been sweeter.
Nights spent in front of the bonfire make for mysterious ghost stories, tales of long ago, and homemade music sent straight from the Ancestors. " Follow the Light" is a comfortable men's tank with Sativa or maybe a Hybrid or whatever Cannabis plant you'd like to float your boat that day. It eludes a certain confidence that transcends both bongs and blunts.
Tie-dye might as well be Elvis when talking Summer Stoner Fashion and makes its way to a session near you eventually.
Forget about lovey dovey hug exchanges and toss the blunt 6 feet or more in my direction. Earthlings and tree huggers both will relish in this delightful message.
Crispy marshmallows are a sunsets best friend, and when wearing our signature burnt orange and black Summer Solstice Sunset Tank was made to turn heads and most definitely Smores sticks.
Here's to yet another adventurous summer chronic friends, and always remember your Stonerdays summer gear for the skinny dipping party, they're just as fun to take off as they are to put on!